Welcome to the German Neuroinformatics Node

The global scale of neuroinformatics offers unprecedented opportunities for scientific collaborations among experimental and theoretical neuroscientists. To fully harvest these possibilities, coordinated activities are required to improve key ingredients of neuroscience: data access, data storage, and data analysis, together with supporting activities for teaching and training.

Focusing on the development and free distribution of tools for handling and analyzing neurophysiological data, G-Node aims at addressing these aspects as part of the Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience. G-Node also serves as an international forum for Computational Neuroscientists that are interested in sharing experimental data and tools for data analysis and modeling. G-Node is funded through the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and hosted by Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.



ASPP 2025 - 17th Advanced Scientific Programming in Python

Plovdiv, Bulgaria, September 21 - 28, 2025



ANDA-NI -- Advanced Neural Data Analysis and Neuroinformatics

online and Jülich, Germany, July - September 2025



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